Dancers use their craft to tell a story for the audience, projecting emotions, words and ideas with their movements. The ability to wordlessly translate their feelings for the crowd is a refined skill. Dancers need to use their whole bodies and the expressions on their faces to help convey the emotion of the moment. But with the bright, shining lights flooding the stage, it’s easy for dancers’ expressions to be washed out. That means the subtle nuances that are essential for setting the tone for their story to be over-looked. For younger dancers, having well-applied stage makeup for kids makes all the difference.

There’s no need to worry about intricate contours and layer upon layer of products for young dancers. The important step is to highlight their facial features so that they can be seen.

We have created step-by-step hair and makeup tutorials for our TFAD dancers. These looks are to be worn at Studio Picture Day, dress rehearsal and recital. Be sure to practice, so the morning of Studio Picture Day goes smoothly!

This post includes all the details you need to know for Studio Picture Day at TFAD on Saturday, May 13Please read! The schedule was emailed to all parents, and can also be found in the above graphic (click to enlarge). We ask that all dancers attend Studio Picture Day, even if parents do not plan to purchase pictures, for the purpose of full group shots.

  • Please arrive 20 minutes before your child’s scheduled picture time to ensure that we can start promptly, and to keep the schedule running as smoothly as possible. If you are late, your child will miss the photo.No exceptions.
  • Children should be dressed in their first scheduled costume when they arrive, with hair and makeup already done. A hair (low bun, side part) and makeup tutorial is coming soon! All female dancers must be wearing tights. Recital earrings and small, non-color specific stud earrings are allowed, however all other jewelry should be removed (unless it is a part of their costume).
  • Remember to bring all of your child’s costumes, accessories, dance shoes and extra tights. Additionally, you may want to bring hairspray, bobbi pins, a comb and makeup for touch ups at the studio.
  • If your child has a wait between scheduled picture times, please feel free to bring bottled water, dry snacks (something that will not get on their costume), and quiet activities for the lobby.
  • As in previous years, parents are not allowed in the studio while pictures are being taken. Please plan to wait in the lobby, as your child may need your help if he/she has a costume change.
  • If you plan to order pictures, please bring your completed order form and full payment to Studio Picture Day. Order forms will be distributed with your child’s costume.

If you have any questions, or need to place an order for dance shoes, recital earrings, tights, leotards, makeup, etc., please contact Miss Paula at the TFAD front desk. Order deadline is April 28The studio is open to place orders MondayFriday4:30-7:30 p.m.

Can you believe it’s that time of a year again? It seems like just yesterday students were worried about their first day of dance class, and now the seasonal recital is quickly approaching. Recitals are often the highlight of the dance year, so make a dance recital checklist and help students be adequately prepared for the big day. Here’s how dancers can get ready for their dance recitals.

Get Ready Two Weeks Before the Show

Luck favors the prepared, so dancers should start getting ready for their big show with plenty of time before the performance date. This will ensure that you take the time to carefully pack all your supplies and can review your checklist a few times.

When you’re packing for a dance recital, you’ll want to bring many of the same things that you’d bring to a dance competition. Be sure you have proper undergarments, extra tights, all your different shoes and makeup supplies.

Do you have a schedule for the day planned out? While a recital might “start” at 6PM, dancers will be required to arrive early to check in, get prepared, potentially take pictures: there’s a lot going on! As a dance family, make sure you’ve looked through all of the emails and information your studio has sent you to be sure you know little details that can make a big difference, such as:

  • Parking for the recital (guest parking and dancer parking)
  • How to purchase tickets for the performance
  • Where to check in
  • Where to pick up any studio merchandise or flowers for dancers

Be Prepared for Unexpected Issues

Any experienced dancer will tell you that there are a lot of little things that can go wrong on recital day. Whether it’s something small like a bra strap breaking or makeup getting smudged, preparation is key to dealing with these issues.

Part of that is getting in the right mindset: attitude can truly make or break your recital experience. Some dancers are predisposed to stage fright, and that’s OK! Just be prepared with a few calming exercises that will help calm your mind and banish those jitters. Try taking a few slow, deep breaths or getting into a relaxing yoga pose.

When you’re waiting backstage, resist the urge to practice your steps. Chances are that you’ve got them down, so focus on getting excited for the performance. After all, it’s your time to shine! Take pictures with your friends, listen to pump-up music or simply visualize your success. Positivity will help you bring your natural radiance to the stage and dance your heart out!

Own Your Show

The recital is an opportunity for dancers to leave everything they have on the stage, and to truly enjoy doing what they love. Your entire dance community will be there, and they’re there to support you! So make the days before your recital count.

Show up to class and give it 100%. Ask questions and make sure you have everything you need to do the best job that you can. And finally, love the dancers who are next to you on stage, and be as supportive for them as you hope they can be for you!

*Originally posted on the Tutu Tix website.

    • Costumes will be passed out from May 1-12 (we are still receiving some costumes). Parents will need to come into the studio and sign out their child’s costume during their class time. Costumes will be not be given to students – only parents.
    • All unpaid balances (tuition, late fees, bounced check fees, etc.) must be paid before you receive your child’s costume.
    • Costumes MAY NOT be picked up on Studio Picture Day (May 13). No exceptions.
    • Each girl will receive one pair of footed tights with their costumes.These are to be worn for photos, dress rehearsal, and recital ONLY. Things happen, so we strongly recommend purchasing 1-2 pair of extra tights per dancer. If your dancer has multiple costume changes, we recommend purchasing a pair of body tights (our older dancers prefer body tights for modesty). Additional tights can be purchased at the TFAD front desk ($5 for footed tights; $15 for body tights).
    • All boys will need mid calf solid black socks (no other color, designs or logos) for Studio Picture Day, dress rehearsal, and recital.
    • Hip Hop 11+ Class (Thurs. 7-8 p.m.) & Junior Ballet Class (Tues. 6:45-7 p.m.)All girls will need a black leotard under their costume. These can be purchased at the TFAD front desk for $20, if they don’t already own one.
  • Studio Picture Day photo order forms will be handed out with your child’s costumes. Please remember to fill these out and bring them back to Picture Day with full payment if you plan to order prints.

If you have questions, please see Miss Paula at the TFAD front desk. The last day to place orders for leotards, dance shoes, recital earrings, makeup, etc. will be Friday, April 28.